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My site is a one stop shop for small businesses and independent contractors to grow their businesses.  Let me worry about marketing so you can get back to doing the things you love.

This is the place where I tell you why you should pick me, right?  I play to my strengths, laying it all out for you, just like all the other copywriters out there.  Just like you, it’s hard to stand out from the pack, finding your unique value proposition, creating your brand, and marketing yourself to prospective clients.  In that way, we’re both in the same boat.  It’s a crowded world out there, and we’re all just trying to be heard.


I’m a writer and a businesswoman.  I care about words, and I care about your business.  I put thought and effort into every word in every sentence that I write.  As a graduate of the Creative Copywriter Academy, I am educated in proper copywriting techniques and am experienced at writing dynamic and exciting copy.  I have done blogging, web copy, and website audits.


Why work with me? I have a dynamic writing style that lends itself to many different industries and have done work for therapists, musicians/ producers, and small businesses.  Contact me and find out what I can do to help achieve your business goals.


Erin Miller Copywriter

As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. To get a better sense of my work, please feel free to explore my official Copywriting Portfolio.

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